Our work is to improve the life outcome of disadvantaged and out of school youth in Tanzania by:-
Improving youth beneficiaries’ knowledge and decision-making skills as they relate to reproductive health, disease prevention, mental health, and academic and
career planning.
Strengthen youth beneficiaries’ key life skills to improve their ability to navigate the labor market effectively and secure gainful employment and green jobs
Eligible youth beneficiaries gain access to scholarship funding for post secondary education [college or vocational training (VT)], and/or “seed” capital to
support beneficiaries small business start-ups.
Youth beneficiaries who seek employment will have the opportunity to secure gainful employment through skills development, resources, and network support
available to them.
Consult for or partner other organizations working in youth development, and businesses that work on promising youth employment sectors like agriculture,
cosmetics, hospitality and tourism to create more job opportunities and prepare the right human resources.
Conduct different studies that will help us design training and coaching programs and deliver to different youth groups, communities, organizations, and
Build awareness for general communities, parents, teachers, political, business and religious leaders to give youth priorities and
support their career development.