David Mwendele soon after graduating from an orphanage school where he was raised after years of suffering as a street child due to extreme poverty persisted in his family.
After a short stay at home after spent years at the orphanage center, David observed his peers in his community succumb to truancy, delinquency, joblessness, and drugs, which reminded him all the dangerous lifestyle he went through before taken by the orphanage center, he resolved to make a difference.
From his spiritual motivation, David founded "Let God Be You " meaning Human are physical bodies of God and are responsible to fix problems instead of turning to God for help without taking actions.
The name of the movement intended to inspire and motivate his fellow youth who believed they were made poor or go through negative experience in life by God, he intended to inspire them to take actions to improve their standards of living and empower others.
He was among founding members of the youth gathering known as Umoja wa Vijana (Youth Unit) under the Roman Catholic Church in his community. When he founded the movement, he was the vice chairman of the same Roman Catholic Youth Association in his community. Through this role he developed desire to serve more youth inside and outside the Christian community.
Let God Be You, is a youth led movement, non political, non religious in Tanzania, trying to be part of solution to key development challenges facing disadvantaged youth in Tanzania.
To date, the movement have paved its way and known locally and internationally, received international, local recognition, and awards.
Let God be You have been famous to local youth and communities through its Bridge Project, a project which empowers out of school youth with skills development, access to resources, coaching and mentorship to lead healthy and self sufficient lives. Bridge program was conducted under Community Educational & Training center which served as an optional school for out of school and street youth and children.
In 2020, David reached a decision to shut down the Community center operation due to increasing number of needy youth and failure of meeting running costs. David is currently working with his team to develop Kizazi Huru Village (Free generation Village). His decision to invest in building Eco Villages comes as an alternative to sustain his youth empowerment projects and to ensure impact sustainability.
David has lived and living his life surrounded by fellow youth, not only in office but he even welcome them to his family home for a long stay for those who are homeless or facing violence at home and sometimes linked them up to live with his close friends and family. He always want to create a better environment for his fellow at risk youth.
Kizazi Huru Village (Free Generation Village) is a dream family home, a farm, tourist center and a capacity building and training center through which he wants to leave a legacy for his family, friends and community on how God given natural recourses could potentially transform the lives of many disadvantaged youth and communities.