
God can easily be found in relationships


Regardless how many friends we have, the challenge is to manage those friendships to work the way we want. We have heard a lot of friends blaming their friends for their wrong action against them. Sometimes we joined them blaming rejecting the fact that we were not there with them. 


It become my life principle that, i don't become enemy to my friends enemy to protect my friendship with a friend. The reason why, is because, I know both my friends and their enemies have God's blessings for me. I know our friends could fear us as they see us interacting with their enemies, but we can make sure they understand and trust us. But also we can use this opportunity to take precautions too against our friends enemies who are our friends, as well looking for a way possible to reunite them. 


Most people in friendships get easily tired of their friends because, most of us expect so much from our friends than what we are willing to offer them hence we are easier to judge our friends negatively. I am not saying there are not snitches', there are a lot of them but as dealing with friend, snitches could hurt us more if we focus on them. Our friends might have a lot of negative sides but we can chose to focus on the one or few good and positive. Sometimes we let go of good friends just because we forgot what attracted us to each others at the beginning of our friendships. 


We can not manage our friends to be with us forever because they are human being and they undergo different changes. Today they can be very good, tomorrow very rude but we can manage our emotions and feelings about them. To manage our friends and our relationships starts with being able to manage ourselves, our emotions and reactions against their actions. We should be clear about why we need that friendship, be ready to learn how we can benefit from that relationship. More importantly lets avoid being a catalyst to our friends relationships conflicts, this is because in our friendships is where God has hidden.  


Friends are God's physical Bodies

If you may ask me today who is God, I will straight tell you, He is a solution and light to most of our persisting problems and darkness we face in our everyday lives. From my Catholic Dominion teachings, God is a spirit, he has no body. We can not see spirit but we all have spirits side of our lives. Regardless of different histories, religious books to write and preachers to preach about people who have met God live, its different in todays world, most people have met God through other people or in spiritual states. 


I have said God is a solution because  human beings as pursuing for our life goals and purposes, we face a lot of obstacles that challenges us to change and adapt to them, sometimes the change looks too scary that we think we nee help. Most of us run to God for prayers, give offerings etc to seek for God's help. To be honest, if we dont have friends, if we are not good in starting and building friendships, to see God answers to our prayers, will be a dream that will not come true our entire lives. Most of those whose their prayer answered, they met people who solved on behalf of him.   


It is true that when we are in trouble, we consider reaching out to friends as well as go to church, mosques and places were we can communicate our needs to God Almighty. The chances are, we will see our friends or close people touched or not touched but we can not see God but willing to just air our prayer in faith. Usually, few friend, close people and strangers will show up to support us, but after we are answered we thank God even before those who showed up. Appreciating your friends support is vital to keep and develop our relationships to work for us and to keep God presence close to us all. 


I am not saying we should not thank God, but thanking our friends and showing our gratitude for the small and big favor they have done to us. Thanking them heartedly and speak words of blessing to them helps them develop heart of giving and hence they keep serving God not only by helping you but encouraged to help others too.  Friends are very good connectors to God, so it is very important for everyone to develop skills set of starting and building a relationship which works for them. 


The image above reminds me of when my biggest problem was how to start my movement Let God Be You. I was from an orphanage center after entering above 18 age limit. I went back home and before i started college, i had already known what i want to spent my life time doing. When i was in college i was careful chose the people to spend my time with, usually, people expect to connect to those who perform well in class, some with the richest students etc.  


Since i had already known what i wanted, i went to college for engineering for the sake of my sponsors interests. When i was in college i started to learn about different people, their ambitions and life goals. I started to hang out with people who i believed if i could share my dream, they could support or say something good about it. Even if they had a negative opinion, they could use a proper feedback methods to reach a message to me and sometimes i tell myself they are also human, they make mistakes like me. 


From each of my friend, i knew what i wanted from them, but i knew for me to get it from them, i must be willing to learn about their needs too and be the first to helping as a way to connect and establish strong bonds. This had helped me so much to complete a lot of projects without having to worry about absence of money. By just understanding this principle, i had managed to start my project by collecting different resources from the cycle of my friend. 


In the time i needed our beneficiaries to learn about computers while i had non, my friends were willing to offer their laptops twice a week for me to take them to my community center class for our beneficiaries to learn. This continued to most of following challenges i faced in working on my dream, i had secured resources including human resources for my friends to volunteer in so many different activities. I thank my friends, i thank God and all strangers who have been used for one way or another. 



To finalize my article, I would like to suggest that God as a solution to our problems can be found more easily if we focus well in nurturing our relationships and relationships of others. It is very important our children and everyone to learn the importance of relationships to our everyday lives and for our dreams. Most of our dreams could be reached regardless our economic status only if we will focus on developing relationship skills which is to start and manage relationships.


Most importantly, we can start to learn skills of managing others as our friends or network by seeking the ability to manage ourselves including to be self aware about our value, interests, priorities, goals, emotional and how we feel etc. To learn more about importance of relationships, self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Book a seminar with Mwaimu David today. Mwalimu Dvaid will call you for pre meeting, then he will prepare a program suitable for you after listening to you carful. The training can be online or face to face as preferred by you.


Remember all financial contribution for the seminar will be directed toward the development of Kizazi Huru Village. An eco tourist center, a farm, and training center for out of school and vurnerable youth in Morogoro region. Please make your appointment by writing us through the JOIN US page.



Thank you for reading!







Learning & Growth Partner.

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